Monday, October 28, 2013

First Annual Ladies Mission Team 2013

"Let's do what we do best....Let's pray!"  This seem to be the theme of the week, prayer.  This group of ladies the Lord assembled together were armor bearers and prayer worriers!  Words cannot even begin to explain how much my Faith was increased this week through these ladies and through answered prayers.  We had front row seats to a God lead week of divine appointments and performance of miracles!  If anyone is doubtful that God still performs miracles today, then go talk to Farren Young and your mind will be changed.  If anyone is doubtful that God is still in the business of answering prayers, then talk to Dodi Wilson, Janet Neal, Kathy Gilvin, Debbie Kuhn, Sonya Selby, Karen Machal, Ashely Carter, Kat Carroll and Pat Mayes.

Our God is BIGGER that we could ever think or imagine!  He is waiting to shower us with blessing when we seek His Face and Pray expecting things to happen!  We were Blessed to be a part of things that God had specifically in store for us this past week.  We were able to experience God to the fullest because we removed ourselves and allowed God to be God.  We were obedient to the call to Go and Love the "undesirables" of this world, the homeless, the addicted, the alcoholics, and the prostitutes.  We met the devil face to face in some abandoned buildings used to house the homeless as well as used by the addicts to get their next drug fix.  We got the privilege to stand in these houses and pray to a God that's much much bigger than the problems there.

We were able to work at a place call Casa San Gabriel, that not only works to get the homeless off the streets, but also feeds anyone who needs a hot meal.  What an honor and privilege it was to meet these people, learn their stories and pray for them as the Lord opened doors.  We also served at a children's home called Regazo de Paz.  There we were able to help the staff and children by serving however they needed us to.  At the end of the week, the director of Regazo de Paz sent a text message to Chad telling him that what had been done at the Children's home was "truly and act of Love!"
Thank you Ladies for a wonderful week of "Loving God, Loving others and doing something!"
Love Does!!  Ps 34:17-18, James 1:22, Matt 25:40, Isaiah 58:6-12.


Chandi Mayes
Puente Missions, PR